Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 16!!!

I know...it's the 19th...but, when you are the daughter of a Tax Man, today's April 16th!!!!  My dad is a CPA in Laverne, America.  He is so good at what he does.  He cares about his clients, he works hard, he is a good boss, he puts up with some things I would have nipped in the bud years ago, and through it all he genuinely enjoys it.  (This all from the prospective of spectator, but I still think it's pretty accurate.)  BUT, April 16 has always been a big day for our family!  Dad works A LOT from January 1 - April 15.  Like, a lot, a lot. 

When we were little, I would have ranked April 16 right up there with Thanksgiving, 4th of July, etc.  It was a holiday!  Maybe not birthday or Christmas style, but big.  Our holiday started on April 15 at about 5 pm.  Darin and I would get home from school and know it was going to be a fun evening!  We would play in the backyard with one ear trained on the alley.  Dad always walked to work (and still does), and we could hear his coins or keys jingling in his pocket.  It was so exciting!  We would usually then pack up and head to the farm so that he could "smell around".  He and Mom were so tired, but we still in someway celebrated that Tax Season was OVER!

Then, for the rest of the year, Dad would usually be around in the evenings and weekends.  It was a big day.  It still is a big day!  Mom and Dad are headed this way.  We are going to play and eat and I've told the girls many times over the last few weeks that they can nap all they want with Pop!  So, Happy April (16th)!!!!  Get outside and "smell around!"

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