Monday, June 25, 2012

Jack - One Month

Can you believe Jack David is one month old today!?  I, for one, cannot!  He is a sweet, healthy, growing are some stats:

Gas? Really happy and I happened to capture it? 

Weight: 11 pounds 4 ounces
Clothing: I just got out the 3 month clothes!!!  He can still wear some 0-3mo, but NB is a thing of the past!
Eating: Every 2 hours during the day, and sometimes at night he makes it 3 whole hours!!
Talents: Loudest burper of our family!
Physical Achievements: He is lifting his head well and is stretching out more.
Other: Baths wear him out.  He is tolerant of his sisters, but never lets his guard down completely.
Favorite time to be Held: When Momma is eating.  Best diet buddy ever!

Favors: It has been said that he favors his father.

Fact: He is loved.


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