Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dodie's May

I needed my Momma.  I was not pleasant or fun or as fast as I needed to be the last three weeks of pregnancy.  The girls were bored, I was feeling very inadequate, and I was hopeful to get some things done before baby Jack arrived.  Dodie to the rescue!

She came during the work week and stayed for 3-4 days for 3-4 weeks.  It was awesome!  We got some meals put in the freezer.  I got the baby's clothes washed and put away.  The girls got to go for a few more walks and a lot more swims than they would have if they would have just had me as activity director!  

And then, the cherry on top of the whole month was that both she and Pop were here when I went into labor and there was no "Pack up the girls!".  We just smooched them, and walked out.  When we had to stay a day longer in the hospital with Jack, it was no big deal because the girls were playing with Pop and Dode.  I can't imagine the added stress if we would have had to juggle them.

Thankfully, I felt better one week post-partum than I did 40 weeks pregnant.  Now, Dodie is just invited, not crucial to our survival.  But here's what I know...there's no replacing a grandma and grandpa as babysitter and there's nothing more comforting as the Momma than to leave your babies with your Momma.

Thanks, Mom and Dad...once again, it was much better with you than it would have been without you.

Love you,

1 comment:

  1. so great that they were able to help out so much. bet those girls loved having them around! hope you are doing great solo!
