Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday Musings.

*When running errands with two babies, add time and a half to everything.  Think it'll take you 10 minutes to get out of the house?  Make that 25.  It's been 15 months, you'd think I'd embrace this by now...nope, shocked every time.

*When preparing to play dodge ball, wear protective head gear.

*When things aren't going your way, don't try to hide your emotions.

*When picking out your favorite things, let your heart lead you...not public opinion.

See how sweet and pretty all these potential babies are???

See how ugly this guy is?

Just try to convince this one of that!!  Dare ya!

*When trying to take candid pictures of 15 month olds, be prepared to be swarmed like you are a hunk of red meat and they are piranhas.

And yes, Momma needs to make a trip to the beauty shop!

Ta, Ta for Now,

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